Tomorrow (God willing) we will meet our new little addition and finally find out if we're having a boy or a girl. Waiting to find out the sex proved harder than I would have guessed. It's funny to me that most people through the ages went all nine months without knowing, and now we're the odd ducks for keeping it a surprise.
Of course, my pink little monster wants a girl and my blue little monster wants a boy (by the way, aren't their impromptu masks cute?). It seems that gender associations run deep though, with most family and friends guessing whatever they happen to be themselves.
We will probably keep everyone updated by facebook/texting tomorrow since it is faster than blogging, but feel free to pass along info to anyone you see fit. Thanks for all the well wishes and hopefully we'll post pictures on here soon.
Bluffdale Elementary Bucket Filler Award
Today Seer was awarded the Bucket Filler of the Week at her school by her
principal. She was nominated by her teacher for being kind and putting her
work f...
8 years ago