Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas Day

Grandpa John recently shared a quote with me that he found: "I'd be the perfect Mom, but I'm too busy raising my kids!" That's exactly how I feel about blogging lately. Every time I sit down to make a post on here my time gets cut short by the demands of my little ones. So, that's my little excuse for not posting Christmas pictures until January 6th!


Margaret said...

Thankfully a mom is not defined by the day she posts her Christmas pictures on her blog! You are a good mom! Keep it up!

emilypr said...

Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas! I feel the same way about being a Mom. That's a great quote, I'm going to hang that on our fridge.

By the way, I am a lefty. I don't think I ever answered your question. But alas, my two oldest are both right writers. I'm holding out for Lindsay, though...